I Am Canadian


I have always been a proud Canadian, and I have always loved the beautiful country that I live in.  I would say that my adventure last year reaffirmed in my mind just how lucky I am to call this country home.  Although we explored some beautiful and amazing places, none could compare to my own backyard. 

Yesterday I attended the citizenship ceremony for my friend Lucho.  Lucho is the husband of our ex-nanny, Giulliana, and like her, he is from Peru.  Giulliana became a Canadian citizen while we were away on our big adventure.  Yesterday it was Lucho’s turn to join the “Canadian family”.  I would like to tell you about the ceremony. 

The ceremony takes place in a room in the Harry Hayes building downtown.  Citizenship candidates must enter through a special entrance and their paperwork is checked and confirmed.  Guests can go into the room through a different entrance.  As you await the ceremony, two large screens at the front of the room show images of our country.  There are pictures of the mountains, the coasts, the amazing forests, and people playing hockey and enjoying other activities.  Just watching these images made me a little misty eyed.

An RCMP officer, in full ceremonial dress, escorted the judge into the room.  She gave an opening statement which discussed the merits of being a citizen.  The candidates were then asked to stand and they swore allegiance to the country.  They then went up to the front of the room, one by one, to receive their certificates and citizenship cards.  Finally, the national anthem was sung.

It was really tough for me to hold it together through the ceremony and I cried tears of joy a few times.  I just barely choked my way through “Oh Canada”!  I was just so happy for everyone.  Besides just loving this land, being Canadian offers such amazing freedoms.  We traveled through most of the countries in the  western hemisphere and never once required a visa or any paperwork, other than our Canadian passport.  In the past, Lucho and Giulliana had to ASK permission of their federal government to travel to Canada and to most countries in the world, and this permission was sometimes denied.  Even after they had secured jobs and had lives in Canada, their travel here could be denied.  No more will they have to ASK to travel, they can just hop on a plane and travel to most places in the world without hesitation.  It is an amazing gift!! 

Many countries that we traveled to were filled with poverty, corruption, oppression, the citizen barely managing, not thriving.  Many people that we met had very little opportunity to advance or succeed.  Health care was beyond the reach of many as well.

So folks, I know we like to complain that Canada is not perfect.  I know it is cold (especially as I write this) and the politics are boring.  I know that we pay pretty high taxes, as well.   But remember the amazing things.  Remember our freedom, remember that our country is peaceful, remember that we are a respected country throughout the world, and if you are lucky enough to be Canadian…REJOICE!!!!!

Day 69:  Today I am thankful for my wonderful heritage and that my dear friends can now enjoy all the benefits of saying, “I AM CANADIAN!!”  It truly IS a wonderful thing!