One Step Forward, Two Steps Back


I thought I would give you all an update on how things are progressing at the clinic.  It is a very difficult job building a clinic, I have come to realize.  My days are filled with problem solving and making decisions, and I am only involved in one tenth of the decisions made.  Most of the issues are handled by my tremendous construction managers.  They keep the ball rolling…most of the time. 

Even though I am “over the moon” thrilled with my construction managers, I am less than pleased with the work done by the designers.  A lot of the issues I am brought into, have to do with mistakes, oversights, problems with the design.  One of the newest…and biggest issues that was “missed” by the designer, is that when the exam room doors are closed, I cannot open one stack of drawers and two cupboard in my millwork.  The doors and the door handles are in the way. 

I am not sure why the designer did not account for this.  I likely would have missed it as well, but designing and architecture is not my business.  It is extremely frustrating to have to constantly clean up ones mistakes.  We actually have gotten so frustrated with the designer, that we have fired her and are forging on without her.  So now all the questions come to me, and with the help of our wonderful construction crew, the problems are sorted out.  Slowly!!

Even when the designer is not involved, there are setbacks.  We received two wet tables today.  These are essentially long sinks set on a bank of cupboards.  We mostly use the sinks for laying dogs on when we are cleaning their teeth (remember they are anesthetized for this).  The tables were both damaged, either in packaging or in freight, and so they cannot be installed until they are first repaired.  Hopefully we will be compensated for the cost of the repairs.  One table just had a crack in the laminate, but the other had chunks of laminate cracked off and the sink portion of the table was completely snapped off of the cabinets beneath.  Check out the pictures.

We are fortunate that our millworker is still on site, and he is awesome.  He will repair them, better than new, he assures us.  I believe him. 

So we forge ahead.  Our opening date is slated to be April 18th and with luck, we will still make our deadline.  I will be very happy when this portion of my life is over and I can go back to doing what I enjoy…taking care of pups!!

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