Care for a Swim?


Day two of the long weekend was celebrated with a hike, in the Ghost this time.  We walked up to a little lake called Johnson’s Lake, although we refer to it fondly as “snail lake”.  Snail lake is a small little mountain lake about 3 kilometres from where we used to regularly camp.  There are thousands of little snail shells along the beach and when the kids were young, we used to take home handfuls of shells every time we visited. 

The walk up to the lake is all uphill, but it is all in the trees and it is really not too bad.  We had lunch on the shore of the lake, and then we decided to have a little fun.  We decided to try to convince the dogs to swim.  For those who don’t know, ridgebacks are notoriously un-fond of water.   Mungo, for instance, refuses to go onto the damp grass to pee and will skitter around a puddle rather than get his feet wet.  Sargon has been a little less worried about water, and actually thinks if you hit it fast enough, you can run right on top of it.  Here are some shots of him trying just that.


The problem with his theory is that eventually gravity wins and you end up with a very sad looking hound!


No actually, Sargon had a blast.  He kept running in an out of the water and we even got him to swim.


Even though Mungo does not like water, he hates being shown up by a baby hound MORE!  (Also he likes beef jerky!)


Unfortunately, every time Mungo made it back to shore, Sargon thought he should attack him.  He is really like a terrible little horsefly as far as Mungo is concerned-he buzzes around and occasionally bites.P1040338

Luckily, Mungo is still superior when on terra firma.P1040361

Take that you nasty little fly!!!!

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