Buddy Pal


The love affair between Mungo and Sargon continues.  The play is more sustained, and Sargon doesn’t dive for cover under the chairs and the coffee table as frequently.  The play can sometimes get quite loud, and Sargon tends to be quite the little barker.  I am trying to talk him out of barking by using a spray bottle.  Grumbling is fine, growling ok, but the sharp little bark that threatens to pop your eardrums, is not allowed!!  Any such bark, gets you sprayed with water!  Oh, and Ridgebacks, as a rule, do not enjoy getting wet much.

The play has changed a bit now too.  Instead of just chasing Sargon and trying to entice him to chase him back, Mungo is starting to wrestle with him.  They alternately take turns rolling around on the floor, the non-roller pouncing on or gnawing at the others’ throat.  Sounds vicious, but no Ridgebacks are harmed in the game.





And after a hard day of playing with your bff, what could be better than curling up and having a nap together.


Aww, doesn’t that just make you heart melt?

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