Bumpy Puppy
So Sargon is doing quite well. He and Mungo alternately eat, sleep and play, all day long. Sometimes the noise level gets quite high in this house because of it, but I am hoping eventually it will all settle down and there won’t be so much chaos.
This morning we started to wean Sargon from one food to another. The food he is on has really small kibbles, and is appropriate to the age of 5 months. We thought we would put him on the same brand of food, but with a bit bigger bites. He would be able to have this food until the age of 12 months. He had his first taste of the “new” food last night, and thenn again for breakfast this morning. A few hours after he ate, I noticed he did not seem to be his normal “sleek” self. He had a bunch of bumps all over him…hives to be exact. I tried to take a few pictures, but you really cannot see the hives in photos. I am not sure that it is the food he reacted to, but I thought I should be on the safe side, and therefore this afternoon, I went to buy more of the old food to feed him. The ingredients look identical, so it may not be the food. I will try feeding him some again next week to see if the hives repeat.
We are leaving the dogs with a sitter this weekend as the family is off in two different directions again, neither of them that would easily support a puppy. I am relatively confident that we could get away without Sargon “soiling” in a hotel, but I still do not trust him to sit quietly in a kennel while we are away, and I fear the barking and grumbling that the dogs do when playing could get us kicked out. So, for now, the dogs will stay home.
Kevin and Sean left this morning to attend the last big biathlon race this year in Hinton. Sara and I head to Canmore tomorrow and then to Lake Louise on Sunday. I am actually going to ski the loppet at Lake Louise. I am not sure how I got talked into it, but it is a 10 km “fun race”, and I will give it a try. I will likely finish last, and Sara has already told me that she intends to race to win, so I will be skiing on my own, but that is ok. I like it that way.
By the way, for anyone that is wondering how the clinic is going, here is an update. First of all, the whole process is fraught with conflicts, errors, and problems. It turns out the original drawings done by the designer (her measuring and drawing out the shape of the room), were incorrect. Every dimension she measured was wrong. We therefore had to make adjustments to pretty much everything once we started to build. This has caused an unbelievable amount of problems. I think however that we are finally starting to get past all these issues and the building is going well. At the moment the space looks pretty cramped, but I am hoping that once everything is in it’s place, the space will be functional (I am sure it will be).
We are hoping to be open mid-April, and so far, everything is on track. I spend a lot of my day on the computer answering emails, talking to bankers and suppliers, construction managers and designers. It is really not my cup of tea. I will be very happy when this part my job is over and I can get back to the “fun” of just being a vet. I will be finished my current job on March 18th. This gives me a month “off” when I can figure out all that needs to come together for this clinic to work out. Brother, what lot of work. It will be worth it though!!