Bzzzzzzz!!! Whoosh!
Ziplines are zippy fast!! Today we went ziplining looked at flies made out of butter,(butterflies-hee hee!) saw a couple bugs and went over some bridges! First we saw the butterflies…
and some caterpillars… then some of both!! This is the owl butterfly, owl cater pillar and the owl chrysalis.
****************NEXT SUBJECT****************
I never have seen such BIG bugs!! They were huge!! Look at them!
See the big grasshopper? Mom had one on her leg!!
This is a Blue Morpho butterfly.
***********ZIPPING DOWN THE LINE********
Now for the ziplining!! The best way to describe it is… FLYING THROUGH THE AIR AROUND 200 FEET HIGH HELD UP BY A WIRE AND A WHEEL!!!
Its not as scary as it sounds until you actually do it. Here are some pictures of it.
Looks fun right?
The wheel made a BZZZZZZZZTTTTTTT sound that really hurt my ears!! The last one was 1km long and on that one I had to go with Sara- >:( -for extra speed so I didn’t get stuck in the middle.
*********8 BRIDGES*********
The bridges were very wiggly!!
Wow!!Moms deal was if you see a sloth and point it out to her, you get ten dollars. Nobody saw one.