We are in Edmonton tonight, we being Sean and I. Sean has a couple races here this weekend. Seems like a long way to drive for a bit of skiing and shooting, but he was determined to come, so who am I to refuse. I was chosen as the team driver (team Sean, that is), and although I gave some excellent suggestions as to why Dad would be a better driver, I did not sway Sean.
We drove up last night. I had to work until 6, but I managed to sneak away from work a few minutes early, so that we were driving by about 6:15. Initially the drive was great. The roads were clear and dry and there were not too many cars on the road. Perfect! I had the tunes turned up and we were cruising.
When we hit Red Deer, a light rain started. It was still above zero, according to the thermometer in the car, so besides turning on the wipers, we were still doing well. So we continued to drive and count down the kilometers. About an hour out of Edmonton, people started driving slower. The rain had changed to snow. Visibility was still good, but only one lane of the highway was clear. It was okay though. As I mentioned, pretty much everyone had decreased their speed and all was fine. Funny thing is, even though 95% of the population felt that the roads should be navigated at a slower speed, the “super intelligent” remaining 5% did not agree.
These are the people who felt the rest of us were wimps and “why the heck were we going so slow!!” These brave souls would pass in the snowy lane at great speeds, to beat us slow-pokes. Even after they started seeing cars in the ditch, they continued to pass. After all, they knew best.
A semi driver was among the “brainiacs” we encountered. He was passing beside us and I slowed down a tiny bit more, because he was kicking up a bit of snow (remember, there was snow in the other lane). One minutes the semi was there, the next minutes, he was gone…into the ditch….right in front of us!!!!Damn FOOL!!!!! Slow and steady boys, slow and steady. The tortoise is your friend!!
We made it in one piece, no concerns. Sometime it is best to go with the flow, follow the crowd. That is what we did and here we are.
There is a crazy amount of snow in Edmonton, but today was quite warm, above zero. Perfect day for a race. Sean started the race…literally. He was racer number one. He had a great race. He shot all his rounds clear, which was great, because in this race there were no penalty loops. If you missed a shot, you were given a 40 second time penalty. No missed shots, no penalties. He out-skied the competition and finished first. Pretty goo. He was especially happy with this finish, since his last race was such a bust.
Tomorrow Sean races again and then we will head back home. This time we will be travelling during the day, and there is no rain in the forecast, freezing or otherwise!