Ears, Tails and Noses
This morning we were all up bright and early. We piled into the car and drove off to Rosemary, Alberta. Now what, you may ask, was there to do in Rosemary, Alberta? A ski race? A biathlon race? Nope. Waiting for us, in Rosemary, Alberta, was a litter of 10 Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies (and 7 adult Ridgebacks). I guess we have decided that it is time to get dog number two. We happened to hear about this litter, by chance, and strangely enough, they were born on Christmas eve (so was Mungo).
We were planning to get our next dog from Mungo’s breeder, but I just don’t feel right about shipping a puppy from the east coast to Calgary (a six hour trip). I could go GET the puppy in Halifax. When we heard about a litter closer to home though, we thought we would try to get on the list for these little ones instead.
It turns out “getting” on the list is the easy part. Just because you are on the list though, does not mean you get a puppy. So even though we went to see the litter today, I am still not sure that one of those little bundles of joy will actually make their way to our home in a few weeks.
Oh well, it was still a great visit. I LOVE puppies. I love everything about them. They are beautiful, they smell good, they are silly, and they can fall asleep in any positions. We sat on the floor in the room full of puppies and it wasn’t long before our laps were filled with snoring little fluffs. At one point, Sean had 4 puppies sleeping on his lap, quite the feat really when you consider the size of Sean’s lap. When they sleep, they all pile onto each other. Feet, tails, ears are all mixed together and it is hard to tell where one pup ends and the other starts. It truly must be where the term “dog pile” came from. It is just a mass of brown, but a very good mass of brown!
So I will keep you posted. If we are “awarded” a dog, I will let you know. I am sorry that I don’t have any pictures of the puppies. I was so excited to see them, I forgot to bring the camera in from the car. I told myself, I would just take a peek at them and then I would go back out to the car to get the camera. Who was I kidding? There was no way I was leaving that room, not even for a second. I should have known that. So you will have to wait for picture too folks. Adds to the suspense.