Flat Feet


Sargon is now 5 months old and he continues to grow and grow.  We now find that we have to actively look at a dog nearby to decide if it is Mungo or Sargon.  It is not blatantly obvious by size alone.  Mungo is still larger, but the two are close enough in size now that you have to pay a bit of attention to discern the two.  Despite his large size, Sargon remains a goof.  He is still clumsy and trips over his own feet often.  Part of this is just because he is growing so quickly, and just like a teenager, who grows six inches in a few months, it takes some time to get adjusted to the new length of your limbs. 

Yesterday however, I started wondering if some of his clumsiness was due to his flat feet.  Truly, this is something that happened overnight.  The breeder we bought Sargon from  tried to convince me that if I wanted my dog to maintain his nicely arched toes and compact feet, I should feed him large amounts of vitamin C.  The scientist in me, could not see the point in doing this.  I never given any of my dogs supplements and I really saw no reason for starting with this for Sargon.  But strangely, Sargon’s feet went from this…





to this…






Okay, the first one is Mungo’s foot, but you get the idea.  All four feet did this overnight, and he is not painful in any way, so I am a bit confused by it all.  It makes me wonder if the breeder had some sort of “history of flat feet” in her lines, or if this is just another one of those weird “growth  phases” that Sargon will go through.  This morning his feet looked better, almost normal, but by this afternoon, they were starting to droop again.  By the way, his “not perfect ear” had pretty much corrected itself over the last few months, but today it was “unperfect” again. 

I think I will take a wait and see approach.  Hopefully he will be back to normal again soon and we can stop calling him Flatty.

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