Post Race Review


Just a quick post folks, to let you know how the weekend ended up. 

Sean did well in his race on Sunday, but came up just short of the gold.  He missed one shot and I think this was the difference in the standings.  The fellow who won gold finished just 9.5 seconds faster than Sean.   It takes about 30 to 40 seconds to ski a penalty loop, so had Sean shot clean, he would have come in first.  By the way, the fellow that beat Sean was HUGE!!  He was at least a head taller than my boy.  Take a look at him on the podium at medal presentation.


In any case, he was pretty satisfied with his results.  Just so you know, the races are not all work.  There is often time for play.  Edmonton had a ton of snow, and the boys took full advantage of it by building a fort, having snow ball fights, diving into the snow, and of course dumping each other into the snow.  Here are a few “fun” photos.



We had no issues on the drive home, although there were still tons of people going into the ditch.  The highway was clear, except for a few snowy patches, and it seemed every time there was a patch of snow, someone went into the ditch.  I am not really sure why, unless they tried to slow down on the snow??  Not sure.  In any case, we had absolutely no problems on the drive. 

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