Race, Race, Race


We have just had another busy weekend.  Thankfully, ski season is coming to a close, so not too many busy weekends left. 

The boys had a pretty good weekend in Hinton.  Sean got a 7th and an 8th place in his races this weekend, but he did some great shooting.  One day he shot 4/5, 4/5  and 1/5 .  The second day he shot clean the first time into the range (5/5) and 4/5 the second time in.  Great shooting!!! 

He travel mate, Jerome, placed 1st and 3rd in his two races this weekend.  Those are his two best finishes for the season!!  Way to go Jerome.  On the first day, he shot clean all three rounds….unbelievable!!  No wonder he went on to win.

The girls’ weekend was pretty successful as well.  Saturday, Sara placed 12th.  Not stellar, but not bad. 

On Sunday, the four girls all participated in the Lake Louise Loppet.  We all had to ski the 10 km race.  It actually turns out that the course was 11.1km long, not 10k after all.

Sara’s goal for the race was to win a medal.  She knew there was a very strong skier from her ski club in the race, and she was determined to beat her (Megan).  She did not succeed, but she managed to keep Megan in her sights for the whole race, and finished a very, very strong second.  She finished only 30 seconds behind Megan, which is great for a 10 km race (oops, 11.1km).  She skied the course in less than an hour, 54 minutes and I am not sure how many seconds (although if you ask Sara, I am sure she could tell you her exact time).  Sara’s team and travel mate for the weekend, Sophie, finished third. 

In the 40-49 age category, my travel mate, Francine finished second.  How, you may ask did I do???  Well, I finished fourth (out of 8), just shy of the medals.  Am I happy with my race?  You bet!!!  Considering that I have only skied 4 times this year… I think I did great.  I was happy that I kept up a pretty steady pace.  I had my ipod pumping out tunes for me throughout the race.  So even though I finished just out of the medals, I am happy.  Yippee for me!

The boys (dogs) seemed to have had a great time with their sitter.  Sargon only had one accident the whole weekend.  The boys seem to be nice and relaxed, and happy to have us home.

So that is one more crazy weekend down!  I don’t think there are any more crazy weekends left.  There are a few single races left and Sara is actually going to try skiing in a race at the Canadian nationals, next week.  I will write more about that later.  I think tonight, we will all go to bed early.

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