Ride Sara Ride


Here is how the weekend went.  We did end up going out to Canmore.  Even though  the weather hovered around -15C all day, the coaches figured they could race, so off we went.  It actually was not as cold as I worried it would be.  There was very little wind, so it did not feel as bad as I thought it would.  Sean actually spent most of the time that he was not skiing playing outside. 

In any case, the race was a bit of a fiasco.  Since it was cold, the coaches were having a hard time keeping the guns working.  Two of our kids missed all their targets, because there was not enough air pressure in the guns to propel the bullets as far as the targets.  A few of the targets stuck as well, resulting in more penalty laps.  Sean’s race was a bit of a disaster as well.  The race on Saturday was shorter.  They skied 3 laps and shot at the range twice, but at Sunday’s race, they were supposed to ski 4 laps and shoot three times.  Somehow this info did not reach Sean’s ears, and so he only skied 3 laps and was therefore disqualified.  It is a shame actually, because he could have at least won another silver.  He was very disappointed.  I had been roped into volunteering, so I was kind of upset as well.  Had I been able to cheer him on, or even talk to him before the race, I might have shared this info with him.  Oh well, hopefully he will get over it (although on the ride home yesterday, he was pretty sure he was through with racing!  Sean can be a bit of a drama queen/king.)

Kevin and Sara had a different adventure.  Kevin is on the hunt for a motorcycle.  I guess he figures he has to keep up with his motorcycle mama, so he and Sara went to a motorcycle show in town.  Nothing was purchased, but some nice vehicles were seen and I think he has nailed down what type of bike he would like.  The exciting part of the day for Sara was that she got to ride a motorcycle herself for the first time.  Yamaha set up a "learn to ride" and kids could try riding, first hand.  They were fully geared first.  Kevin said it took almost 15 minutes to get all the gear on the kids.  Then they were let loose to "ride"!  So here is Sara all geared up.


And here she is riding.  She looks pretty good, even though the motorcycle is a bit small for her.


She said she had a lot of fun. 

Day 68:  I am thankful that I got a ride out to Canmore yesterday, instead of having to drive myself.  Also I am thankful for my "cool little chick" Sara!

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