Day 4 in Cusco, and we finally managed some “sightseeing”. Yesterday was another chore day, especially for Kevin who spent almost the whole day puttering on the van. It has rained a lot in Cusco. It is the rainy season, but somehow we have been very lucky with regards to rain in most places. I guess our luck has run out, so to speak. The campsite is a little soggy, and we have been spending a lot of time hiding out in the van.
This morning we got a bit of a surprise, when a flock of llamas/ alpacas walked into the campsite. Mungo was beside himself!!! He has been tied up while at this campsite, because he likes to chase the chickens, but I was grateful he was tied up when the herd of camelids waltzed in.
They are truly strange creatures!!!
After lunch we went to see the Inca ruins of Sacsayhuama’n. These are the remains of an Incan fortress, that sits above the city (really close to our campsite actually). For the most part only the foundations of the fortress remain, a few walls, but not many. The walls feature the interlocking stones that the Incas are famous for, walls built without the use of mortar.
Some of the stones are cut with many different faces to “just” fit the specific place they were intended to fit. Some of the stones are HUGE. Sara spent a lot of time posing in front of “big” rocks.
In the end, I think this was the winning rock, large enough for 3 people to stand in front of. Legend has it that 3000 people were killed in the moving/placing of one stone on the site, not sure which stone.
Amazing!!! In some places, the original stones had been displaced, finally fallen out of the wall. The missing pieces were “replaced”, but there was never any attempt to use similar stones, just little rocks were used to rebuild.
Not really the same effect!
Pretty impressive place.
Tomorrow, we will likely attempt to head towards Machu Picchu. Hopefully, the road will be passable. Keep you posted.