The Week In Review


It’s been a busy week for the McLeans.  We started the week as cross country ski coaches.  Our ski club, Foothills Nordic, offers a program to area schools.  We show up with a trailer filled with cross country ski gear, boots, skis, poles, etc.  Members of the club volunteer as coaches, all in an effort to introduce more kids to the sport of cross country skiing.  All four of us volunteered to help, because the program was at Sean’s elementary school.  We taught  on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning.  The club goes to the school the night before the program starts and grooms a trail through the school field. 

It was a blast!!  The kids  of the school had a lot of fun and it was amazing to see how quickly they picked up the sport.  The first day started with a lot of falls. P1030663

Just kidding, this is where we were teaching the kids to fall and then get back up again.  It was such fun!


Thursday was spent getting organized to get Sara and Kevin to Vermillion for the Alberta Youth Championships.  Unfortunately, the race was cancelled hours before they were due to hit the road.  Even though Sara was terribly disappointed that the race was cancelled (the overnight low was –38!), it gave her more time to get some rest.  She has been fighting a cold for the last week and a bit, so some extra sleep was warranted. 

The cold did not slow down Sean on Friday, when he and his buddy Griffin hit the slopes at COP for some downhill skiing!!  It is amazing how easily Sean can switch from cross country gear to downhill “stuff”.  It was a cool day, but the boys managed to keep themselves warm for the better part of 4 hours.   

Today, we decided it was time for a “family ski”.  I am glad that the kids race, but virtually every weekend is dedicated to their activities.   It is rare that we all get a chance to ski together and I LOVE days like today.  We hit the trails in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park.  It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, the perfect Alberta winter day.  The temperature was mild, just a few degrees below zero.


The trails are not as “perfect” as they are in Canmore, but you get to make your own trail across the meadows if you want.  Sometimes you can also take your skis off.  Sean gave this a try.  He did pretty well for a while, P1030681-1but you never know when you are going to lose it…P1030682-1

Like I said, it was a great day!!!!  A perfect way to celebrate family day.


Tomorrow is officially “Family Day” in Alberta, and we will celebrate it by adding another member to our family.  Tomorrow, we pick up our new puppy, so stay tuned.  I can hardly wait to introduce him to you!!

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