Things Could be Worse!
We left Cusco today. We were planning on leaving today anyway, the chores were all done and we had seen what we wanted to see. Truthfully though, even if we weren’t planning to leave today, we likely would have left anyway. I said that it was raining a lot in Cusco, but last night surpassed all other rain. The grassy lawn of the campsite was submerged under a couple of inches of rain and we had resorted to walking around in the rain in bare feet because squishy footwear is just no fun to walk around in. We were happy once more that we had four wheel drive, otherwise getting out of the yard would have been difficult. So, as we left Cusco, we were bemoaning the fact that the campground was in such poor shape. Half an hour later, we felt guilty for complaining.
As we left the city, we were stopped on the highway for about 1/2 an hour. We assumed that there was another mudslide, or water on the road. We did not expect to find a full out flood. There was water on the road.
There was water in the fields.
There was water in the ditches.
And there was water in peoples houses, so much so that several houses had collapsed. The residents saved what little they could from their homes and headed for higher ground.
And we were complaining about wet shoes!!!! Makes you feel awfully bad!
As we left the valleys, we started to see precipitation of another kind…snow!
Remember, we have seen snow in Ecuador and Peru, but this time it was close enough to touch. And the kids insisted that we did stop and touch it. Yep, South American snow feels just like North American snow!
Makes a great snowball too!
Tonight we are in Puno, on the shores of Lake Titicaca. We got into town late, so tomorrow we will start exploring.
The floods in Peru also made the news over here. We heard that Machu Picchu was closed.
yep, good thing we got there when we did!