Let’s talk about hair. My hair. Generally I don’t talk about my hair. Generally I do very little with my hair. I wash it, but I don’t blow dry it, I don’t style it, I don’t color it, I don’t fuss with it. Most times, I hardly even know it’s there. Except for when it grows too long and starts to get in my eyes. Then it bothers me and I know it is there. I have been wearing my hair extra short since we went on our big adventure trip. Initially, I cut it short because I thought it would be cooler. Now that it is short, I realize that it is more convenient to have short hair. Until it starts to grow over your eyes and ears. Then it is not convenient…it is annoying. It is an amazing thing though. It doesn’t grow all at once. Length gets added on on a daily basis. One day however, it crosses the line and becomes “too long”.
When this happens, I get it cut…immediately. I can’t be bothered with making a hair appointment, I need the hair cut NOW. I therefore am one of those “walk-in” people. My friend, Lorraine, is horrified to think that I can just walk into a salon, any salon, and ask them to cut my hair. I don’t always see the same stylist. In fact, it is much more likely that any given stylist will only do my hair once. It usually works out okay though. I am not too picky about my hair, and I don’t have “difficult” hair. I do have a few little cowlicks, but no curl, no wave, nothing that requires a “skilled” stylist. Generally, as long as they notice the two cowlicks and make sure they thin my hair like crazy, it turns out fine. USUALLY!
Today, the hair cutting gods were not in my corner. The gal that cut my hair failed to notice one of the only two cowlicks on my head, and the result was that I am now channelling my “inner Spock”. I have little points of hair in front of my ears and my bangs are cut more or less straight across. Although I feel very “logical”, I don’t really feel very stylish. Oh well. The good thing about short hair is that is will grow out in a week or so. Maybe I can wear a hat until then. I wonder how many funny looks I would get if I was sporting a toque inside. Likely no more than I will get with this horrible haircut. Patience…patience. Until then…Live long and prosper!!